Grow and Strengthen Your Nails

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For my entire life I have had weak, brittle nails that would break or peel before they grew any type of length. I would always have to go to a salon for acrylics to get any kind of length for my nails. Then, I talked to my dear friend Tami and my mother-in-law. Tami inspired me to grow and strengthen my nails after she was super successful with her own nails.

Tami also had short nails that she claimed were weak and brittle. She’s had super short nails since I’ve known her. I’ve known her for many years! Then she purchased a nail growth polish off of Amazon. Most recently, when we got together, her nails were long enough that she was able to go to a salon to have them done! Of course I was interested in how she went about growing and strengthening her nails. Her story inspired me.

Cut to my conversation with my mother-in-law, Susan, about the same topic and she told me about a polish she also uses off of Amazon. Susan is very up to date about beauty products and how clean they are as far as being natural, vegan, and sustainable.

So… I bought both. The polish Tami recommended was Nail-Aid Biotin Ultimate Strength Polish (#ad) and Susan recommended ella+mila First Aid Kiss Nail Strengthener (#ad). My plan was to use one polish on one hand, and the other polish on the opposite hand to compare and contrast. My nails were so short to start. #ad

Week One – Grow and Strengthen Your Nails

Once the polishes came in I did exactly as planned. I used ella+mila (#ad) on my right hand, and the Nail-Aid (#ad) on my left hand. I have followed the directions to a T, even with going out of town twice. Here is a picture of my nails on the first day of use.

Now, before I applied the polishes, I did push back and trim my cuticles. After applying the polishes I also swiped some cuticle oil on. I tried to remember to use cuticle oil fairly regularly through this process. Which played a part in the health of my nails.

Week Two – Grow and Strengthen Your Nails

After one week, the directions state to take off the polish and reapply. The picture below shows where my nails were after one week.

They had grown a little longer. I did push back and trim my cuticles again as well as applied oil at this one week break. Also, I did do some light filing to keep a pretty shape. But not too much because I was looking to keep as much length as possible.

Week Three – Grow and Strengthen Your Nails

Finally, I am into week 3. I am already super impressed with how well my nails are doing. I threw in a couple pictures of my hands without holding the bottles to get a better view of my nails. They’re longer, they’re not peeling, and they look pretty! I technically have another week of directions to follow with the ella+mila polish.

I’ll be interested to see how much longer they get. At this point in time, they are at the perfect length for me. Overall, both polishes accomplished my goal of longer and stronger nails. I will continue to use both polishes as base coats or down the road when my nails need a little TLC. The best part about these is that my 17 year old daughter was amazed at how long and pretty my nails had gotten! When your teenager gives you props, you take them!

If you’re ready to grow and strengthen your nails, then try out these polishes by clicking a link below! #ad


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  1. I want to try that! Kyle bought me this tough as hoofs cream to use on mine. I can’t religiously stick with it. This might be easier.

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