Benefits of Cinnamon

This morning as I prepared my usual cup of coffee, I grabbed the container of cinnamon to sprinkle a little in. Not only was I feeling a little sentimental about cinnamon being that it is getting close to fall weather, but cinnamon is actually pretty awesome for your health.

Now, by no means am I a doctor, so please take into consideration all that I have to say about the benefits of cinnamon and do your own research. But I’ve found a few great uses in our home for this sentimental spice.

Benefit of Cinnamon: Antiviral

I have read before that cinnamon may have antiviral benefits. I stumbled upon this when looking for a little at home remedy for my son who was ill at the time. After talking with my husband about all I had read, he mentioned how his mom uses cinnamon in her coffee each morning. Lightbulb! Why wasn’t I using cinnamon more regularly? Also, how could I incorporate cinnamon into our kids’ daily routines?

Benefits of Cinnamon: Anti-ant

Last spring, we had ants trying to come into our home through our backdoor. Our exterminator was happy to oblige and help us out. He also mentioned that if we noticed ants anywhere else in our home to put a dash of cinnamon near that area and it could help clear them out. The cinnamon works as an ant repellant and can alleviate the occurrence of ants. I sprinkled cinnamon at the base of each side of our back door even after the exterminator left, and we haven’t had a problem since. We also have a little frenchie, but she doesn’t seem to notice it. If she has sniffed around there then I’m sure a small taste of cinnamon wouldn’t hurt her.

Benefits of Cinnamon: Anti-Acne

The other morning I walked into the kitchen to find my step-daughter reading at the kitchen table with honey and cinnamon smeared under her eyes. She had discovered some beauty benefits on the internet of both honey and cinnamon for under eye circles. As I researched, I found that due to the anti-inflammatory benefits of cinnamon, many people are creating at home DIY masks and scrubs using cinnamon. There is always a caution listed though. Cinnamon applied topically, can cause burning and irritation, so apply as a patch test first.

Even More Benefits of Cinnamon

As I have researched more and more about cinnamon, the type of cinnamon you purchase also makes a difference. There are two types, cassia and ceylon. Cassia is more widely available and what is sold as the baking spice we all know and love. The ceylon variety is purported for more health benefits and also more expensive, and harder to find. You may be able to find it at health food stores. Below are a list of more benefits of cinnamon from Healthline that are worth looking into.

  1. Powerful medicinal properties
  2. Loaded with antioxidants
  3. Possible anti-inflammatory properties
  4. Could protect against heart disease
  5. Could improve sensitivity to insulin
  6. Could lower blood sugar levels
  7. May have beneficial effects on neurodegenerative diseases
  8. May protect against cancer
  9. May prevent fungal and bacterial infections

How am I using cinnamon?

I’ve added cinnamon to my coffee on more than a few occasions. It just tastes good! In the fall and winter, it gives my morning cup of joe a nostalgic feeling.

I also add cinnamon to a bowl of yogurt or a breakfast smoothie. Usually my husband and I buy plain yogurt and add our own fixings, and by adding cinnamon, it gives it a little boost that I know is helping my immunity.

Pancakes on Saturday mornings are another great place to add in a little extra spice. The kids love it and it’s healthy.

Apparently, I ingest my cinnamon more than I apply it topically. But I would like to try out some DIY masks and see what type of results I get. More on that another day!


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