Craft Organization

Three Simple Steps to Organize

Continuing with my motto to start small when it comes to organizing, I dove into our craft cabinet today. We have one cabinet in our home that is dedicated to craft items, messier toys like paint and playdoh, and supplies that may be needed on a school project. We also keep supplies in the drawer right above the cabinet. Craft organization can be daunting, but this little project only took me a couple hours. Here is the cabinet before I began organizing.

It doesn’t look too bad, but that’s because I originally organized it a few years ago when we moved into this house. It’s been pretty easy to maintain. However, when the kids get something out they don’t really put it back correctly. They want to just stuff things in there and then shut the doors. So, after a few years, I decided I’d do a quick craft organization and declutter sesh.

1. Empty Everything

This is my cabinet emptied. The mess got a bit bigger as I started sifting through each basket and sorting things to put into piles and sorting out what was now trash. Old school supplies had been added by multiple children, paint cloths had been stuffed in, and as you can see I already had a trash bag out to capture what was broken and no longer needed.

2. Declutter and Sort

After emptying everything out of the cabinet, I also emptied each of the baskets. Literally, I dumped zipper pouches and pencil boxes of markers, colored pencils, and crayons onto the floor to sift through. I started making mini piles of supplies that we could keep and/or use towards this year’s school supply lists. There was a mini pile of dry erase, a mini pile of Sharpies, a mini pile of highlighters, etc. Glue sticks, and markers, and colored pencils… oh my! Even managing to salvage a few stray skinny markers that looked to be an expensive set from my oldest bonus daughter’s art supplies.

3. Organize and Make It Pretty

The final step to my craft organization is to put everything back together again in an organized manner. It’s also fun to add some pretty organizing tubs as well. I already had these baskets that I originally used, so I kept them to put everything back into. The smaller supplies went carefully into our drawer. It stayed pretty organized the past few years. There were some things I decided to get rid of from the drawer too. Here’s a picture of the drawer.

Then I started putting items neatly back into baskets to go back into the cabinet. When it was all said and done, I had three baskets with themes. A basket for paint supplies, a basket for craft items, and a basket for workbooks, flashcards and coloring books and crayons to use in the coloring books. I now have one empty basket that I can use elsewhere! Decluttering is the best!

They all went neatly back into the cabinet along with one little basket of bows and supplies for making bows. It used to be stuffed in the very back of this cabinet.

This organizing project took me about 2 hours to complete, from start to finish. I hope it inspires you to find a small space and jump into organizing too! It always feels so nice to have an area of your home cleaned and organized. “A place for everything, and everything in its place.”


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