Office Organization 101

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Office organization can be tricky, because the office is where you need to go to work. If it’s not organized and pleasant to walk into, you won’t want to go in there to work. So, recently, I was back over at my dear friend, Kayce’s house to help her organize and declutter her home office. Kayce, and her husband share their home office, which adds up to a lot of things placed in that room. We evaluated the layout of their desks and work spaces, and it works well for them. This office just needed a little decluttering and sorting to be fully functional, and pleasant to walk into.

1. Empty Everything

Now, usually when organizing, I empty the area before I do anything else. This is an entire room, so we didn’t want to move all the furniture out and unplug all the computers and devices her husband uses. So instead, we started with a bookshelf. We emptied the entire thing and started going through all the items.

2. Declutter and Sort

I must say, Kayce is already super organized. She knows where things are. She can tell you where things go. If you were to start to randomly open closet doors and cabinets in her home, you’d see she is a bin queen. Therefore, so many things are already organized into clear bins, and sorted beautifully. You’d also be able to find things pretty easily. That being said, she and her husband had already sorted many of his things into bins and labeled some of them. Kayce uses bins with locking lids, (# ad) that way stuff doesn’t come flying out of them as you pull them off of shelves.

As we went through the items on this shelf, we sorted them into four groups. Trash items, donate items, items to be kept and stored, and a pile for her husband to go through. Since he is an engineer, there were some doo-dads that we had no idea what they were. So, of course, we also didn’t know where we should store them. The pile of items to be kept and stored, started to get bigger and we naturally started moving through the rest of his shelves, adding to already labeled bins, and tweaking as needed. We even created some new bins, sorting out similar items.

3. Organize and Make It Pretty

Finishing out this reorganization project didn’t take too long in the grand scheme of things. It only took a day, from breakfast until shortly after lunch. I did have to leave her with some homework of dropping off donated items and taking other things to their actual business office. Overall, I was stoked about the progress she made! I was also happy about the finished product of her home office that afternoon.

I hope this inspires you to go organize a space in your home!


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